Scherezade Garcia: it’s so sunny that it’s dark

September 6 - October 8, 2017
September 6 – October 8, 2017

Scherezade Garcia’s work embraces the themes of displacement and adaptation, proposing a different story of what it means to integrate. By fusing an Afro-Caribbean visual vocabulary with American symbols, she creates what she calls “contemporary allegories of history,” to expose the imbalance and cultural hegemony of the region. But she also gives new meaning to the word “American,” offering the image of the Statue of Liberty as a black (or mixed-race?) woman. What color is freedom? What does it mean to integrate? Garcia’s work invites us to reflect on our traditions and the ways we represent ourselves.

Co-Sponsors: Africana and Latin American Studies, Art and Art History, Colgate Arts Council, Core Communities and Identities, Department of Theater, Core Challenges of Modernity, Women’s Studies, The Sio Chair for Diversity and Community, Dean of Faculty, Division of Arts and Humanities, Peace and Conflict Studies, Division of Social Sciences, Peace and Conflict Studies, Political Science, Department of Sociology, Department of Geography
