Tommy Brown: The Significance of Moments

April 24 - June 2, 2019
April 24 – June 2, 2019

Brown says his medium is the visual reality of rural America. He employs the surroundings where he lives as his creative source and moves as freely around with his camera as a painter would manipulate paint. “Painters talk about making their best work when their mind stops thinking and they reach a place where it’s just doing. The noise of the everyday disappears and the thinking stops,” he says. “I can remember making every picture in this show and each one involved a similar experience. The picture presented itself and I just needed the wisdom to see and record it properly.” Brown, Colgate ‘78, received his MFA in photography from the Yale School of Art and has been making photographs for 40 years. His photographs are in the permanent collections of Colgate’s Picker Art Gallery, Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, Beinecke Rare Books Collection Yale University, Colby College Museum of Art, The Parrish Art Museum, Addison Gallery of American Art, Lightwork Collection Syracuse University, The Museum of the City of New York, and private collections.
