Let There Be Light: Tim Rollins + KOS

after The Creation by Franz Josef Haydn, February 25 - April 6, 2008

February 25 – April 6, 2008

The word creation evokes a godlike act, one that many artists are deeply familiar with. The core of this exhibition is a folio of seven screenprints, the culmination of sixty voices gathered together by Helen Frederick of Pyramid Atlantic Studios. Inspired by Franz Josef Haydn’s The Creation oratorio of 1798, Rollins + K.O.S. members collaborated with Washington D.C. metropolitan area students from elementary, middle, high school and George Mason University along with master printmaker Pepe Coronado, papermaker Mary Ashton, and curators Andrea Pollan and Milena Kalinovska.

One of Haydn’s most enduring masterpieces, “The Creation” is based upon the biblical account of the first seven days as recounted in Genesis and John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. Rollins encouraged the group to investigate ideas of creation, including researches into the Big Bang theory and images collected by the Hubble Space Telescope. Rather than illustrate this story sequentially, the group decided to have the artworks allude to the essence of the story.

This exhibition is an ArtsMix event, sponsored by the Institute for the Creative and Performing Arts at Colgate University, We would also like to thank the Art and Art History Department and the Picker Art Gallery for their help in making this exhibition possible.
