Ann Hamilton: RECTO/VERSO

February 3 - April 6, 2012

February 3 – April 6, 2012

The exhibitions will examine in depth one element of Ms. Hamilton’s complex installations across the artist’s career, looking at consistent threads that deal with gesture, the senses and the body, voice and language, time and duration, history and community. The videos tend to display essential actions monotonously repeated – pouring, reaching, unraveling, polishing, writing, drawing, erasing, stitching, knitting, breathing, spinning, walking – unremarkable in themselves but made strange either by isolation or by context. In the Clifford Gallery, videos will be juxtaposed with pinhole images, some of which were made on the Colgate campus by members of the Colgate staff and student body, others from the ongoing series “Face to Face.”

Ann Hamilton is recognized internationally for her richly layered, multidisciplinary installations that include written language, both two- and three-dimensional visual imagery, and video. Just a few of her honors include a MacArthur Fellowship (1999) and the invitation to represent the United States at the 48th Venice Biennale.

The exhibitions are supported in part by the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Fund and the National Endowment for the Arts.
